Tranforming timeseries data with group by and group by dynamic in polars


Joram Mutenge



a brand of yogurt

Polars has become my go-to library for data analysis. Each client project brings new insights into the powerful functionality Polars offers. Recently, I worked on a project for a supermarket that required processing data related to yogurt stock quantities.

The problem

The supermarket’s data included multiple quantity entries for the same yogurt brand within a single month. The goal was to aggregate these quantities into a single value per month and standardize the date to the first day of that month.

For example, the data for a yogurt brand like Chobani in February might look like this:

  • Feb-02-2025 = 30 units
  • Feb-08-2025 = 20 units
  • Feb-15-2025 = 50 units

The desired output for February would aggregate these values into:

  • Feb-01-2025 = 100 units

This aggregation needed to be repeated for every yogurt brand sold by the supermarket.

The dataset

To demonstrate how I solved this problem, I’ll use a representative dataset (not the actual client data).

shape: (49, 3)
Date Yogurt Quantity
date str i64
2025-02-05 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-11 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-14 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-19 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-26 "Yoplait" 54
2025-06-03 "Wallaby Organic" 48
2025-06-03 "Yoplait" 54
2025-06-03 "Chobani" 120
2025-06-23 "Dannon" 12
2025-06-24 "Chobani" 120

The solution

I’ll show two approaches to solving this problem. The first method uses group_by, while the second uses group_by_dynamic. Afterward, I’ll verify that both methods produce identical results. More importantly, I’ll compare their performance by using the %%timeit cell magic command to identify the faster solution.

Solution with group by dynamic

When resampling time series data, group_by_dynamic simplifies selecting a specific time period (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly) and resampling the data to perform aggregations based on the chosen interval. However, group_by_dynamic does not support grouping by multiple columns. While this limitation may make it unsuitable for addressing the client’s problem directly, a workaround is available.

Let’s process the data for a single yogurt brand, Yoplait to see if the solution is working the way we expect it. Then we’ll repeat the process for all yogurt brands. Here’s is the unprocessed data for Yoplait yogurt.

data.filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
shape: (18, 3)
Date Yogurt Quantity
date str i64
2025-02-05 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-11 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-14 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-19 "Yoplait" 54
2025-02-26 "Yoplait" 54
2025-04-30 "Yoplait" 54
2025-05-09 "Yoplait" 54
2025-05-16 "Yoplait" 54
2025-05-26 "Yoplait" 54
2025-06-03 "Yoplait" 54

Here is the processed data for Yoplait yogurt. The aggregations have been completed, resulting in a reduced number of rows in the dataframe.

 .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
 .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1mo')
 .agg(pl.sum('Quantity'), pl.first('Yogurt'))
shape: (5, 3)
Date Quantity Yogurt
date i64 str
2025-02-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-03-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-04-01 216 "Yoplait"
2025-05-01 162 "Yoplait"
2025-06-01 54 "Yoplait"

Notice that I have selected a 1-month time period for the every parameter. However, there is an unresolved issue in our solution: we have multiple dates instead of a single date representing the first day of each month. To address this, I will introduce another parameter, start_by, and set its value to "window". This ensures that all dates are converted to the first day of their respective months.

 .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
 .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1mo', start_by='window')
 .agg(pl.sum('Quantity'), pl.first('Yogurt'))
shape: (5, 3)
Date Quantity Yogurt
date i64 str
2025-02-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-03-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-04-01 216 "Yoplait"
2025-05-01 162 "Yoplait"
2025-06-01 54 "Yoplait"

Having achieved the desired results for Yoplait yogurt, I can now process the data for the other brands. Instead of processing each brand individually, I will use a for loop to automate the task.

First, I’ll create a list of all the yogurt brands contained in the dataset.

yogurt_list = data['Yogurt'].unique().to_list()
 'Brown Cow',
 'Wallaby Organic',
 'Stonyfield Organic',

And now here’s the code that implements the for loop.

dfs = []
for item in yogurt_list:
    df = (data
    .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == item)
    .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1mo', start_by='window')
    .agg(pl.sum('Quantity'), pl.first('Yogurt'))
df_1 = pl.concat(dfs)
shape: (23, 3)
Date Quantity Yogurt
date i64 str
2025-05-01 24 "Fage"
2025-03-01 12 "Noosa"
2025-04-01 12 "Noosa"
2025-05-01 12 "Noosa"
2025-05-01 504 "Activia"
2025-03-01 444 "Chobani"
2025-04-01 240 "Chobani"
2025-05-01 408 "Chobani"
2025-06-01 240 "Chobani"
2025-06-01 12 "Dannon"

To verify that the above code worked correctly, let display the results for Yoplait yogurt.

df_1.filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
shape: (5, 3)
Date Quantity Yogurt
date i64 str
2025-02-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-03-01 270 "Yoplait"
2025-04-01 216 "Yoplait"
2025-05-01 162 "Yoplait"
2025-06-01 54 "Yoplait"

Great! The results are what we expected.

Solution with group by

Fortunately, with group_by, it is possible to aggregate data across multiple columns. This allows me to process the data for all yogurt brands without using a for loop. However, I first need to create a new column, Month, to use as one of the grouping columns in group_by. As before, I will start by processing the data for a single yogurt brand, Yoplait.

 .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
shape: (5, 3)
Yogurt Quantity Date
str i64 date
"Yoplait" 162 2025-05-01
"Yoplait" 270 2025-02-01
"Yoplait" 216 2025-04-01
"Yoplait" 270 2025-03-01
"Yoplait" 54 2025-06-01

Notice that I have used two columns, Yogurt and Month, in group_by to aggregate quantities based on this two-column combination. Since Month has served its purpose, I can drop it as it is no longer needed. However, the date values are not in the expected format. To resolve this issue, I will use truncate and set the value to "1mo" to adjust the values in the Date column by one month.

 .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == "Yoplait")
shape: (5, 3)
Yogurt Quantity Date
str i64 date
"Yoplait" 216 2025-04-01
"Yoplait" 54 2025-06-01
"Yoplait" 270 2025-02-01
"Yoplait" 270 2025-03-01
"Yoplait" 162 2025-05-01

Now that we have the expected results, all that’s left to process the data for all yogurt brands is to remove the line of code containing filter.

df_2 = (data
shape: (23, 3)
Yogurt Quantity Date
str i64 date
"Oikos" 144 2025-04-01
"Dannon" 12 2025-06-01
"Activia" 504 2025-05-01
"Chobani" 408 2025-05-01
"Noosa" 12 2025-04-01
"Yoplait" 54 2025-06-01
"Yoplait" 216 2025-04-01
"Stonyfield Organic" 60 2025-04-01
"Wallaby Organic" 336 2025-05-01
"Siggi's" 6 2025-04-01

Comparing the two methods

Multiple factors can be used to determine which code is better, such as ease of writing. However, I will focus on determining which code processes the data faster. Let’s test which approach performs better.

With group by dynamic


dfs = []
for item in yogurt_list:
    df = (data
    .filter(pl.col('Yogurt') == item)
    .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1mo', start_by='window')
    .agg(pl.sum('Quantity'), pl.first('Yogurt'))
df_1 = pl.concat(dfs)
947 μs ± 5.25 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

With group by


256 μs ± 2.12 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)

You can see that group_by processes the data faster, making it the better method. This isn’t surprising, actually, because it doesn’t involve using a for loop. It’s always better to avoid loops when working with dataframes, as this allows your code to be executed in Rust, the language in which Polars was written. When you use for loops, your code is executed in Python, which is slower than Rust.

Check out the new Polars for Finance course we published to learn how to process and analyze stock data.