Ten polars functions that pros use and amateurs don’t


Joram Mutenge



Polars is increasingly becoming a popular data analysis library, and my prediction is that more new data scientists and analysts will be starting with Polars rather than Pandas as their tool of choice for manipulating data. After all, the syntax for Polars is easier to learn and harder to forget. That’s why this tweet couldn’t be more true.

However, because Polars is new, most of the code out there looks amateurish. Here are 10 functions you should use that will instantly make you look like a pro at Polars.

1. Scan CSV

When working with large datasets, loading them can take a long time. This is where scan_csv becomes useful. Instead of fully reading the dataset, scan_csv scans its contents, allowing you to quickly preview the file and select only the columns you need. By loading just a subset of the data, you can significantly reduce the loading time. For example, consider a dataset containing information about counties in the USA. import polars as pl

shape: (3_143, 7)
region population county.fips.character county.name state.name state.fips.character state.abb
i64 i64 i64 str str i64 str
1001 54590 1001 "autauga" "alabama" 1 "AL"
1003 183226 1003 "baldwin" "alabama" 1 "AL"
1005 27469 1005 "barbour" "alabama" 1 "AL"
1007 22769 1007 "bibb" "alabama" 1 "AL"
1009 57466 1009 "blount" "alabama" 1 "AL"
56037 43890 56037 "sweetwater" "wyoming" 56 "WY"
56039 21326 56039 "teton" "wyoming" 56 "WY"
56041 20942 56041 "uinta" "wyoming" 56 "WY"
56043 8425 56043 "washakie" "wyoming" 56 "WY"
56045 7152 56045 "weston" "wyoming" 56 "WY"

Suppose you only want to display the county name and population. Here’s how you can use scan_csv to achieve that:

shape: (3_143, 2)
state.name population
str i64
"alabama" 54590
"alabama" 183226
"alabama" 27469
"alabama" 22769
"alabama" 57466
"wyoming" 43890
"wyoming" 21326
"wyoming" 20942
"wyoming" 8425
"wyoming" 7152

Notice that I used collect because scan_csv produces a lazy frame. This means that whenever you use scan_csv, you need to include collect at the end to get your results.

If you’re skeptical that scan_csv is a better approach, let’s compare the time it takes for scan_csv and read_csv to load the data.

106 ms ± 44.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
6.66 μs ± 26.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)

I’m sure you believe me now.

2. Sum horizontal

Adding values in a single column is easy. All you need is sum. This is called column-wise and dataframes shine at performing column-wise mathematical operations. However, there comes a time when you need to perform row-wise calculations. This is where sum_horizontal comes in. Unfortunately, most Polars users are not aware of this function. Let’s say you had this dataframe for Apple stock data.

shape: (6_953, 7)
Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
date f64 f64 f64 f64 i64 f64
2012-03-30 608.77 610.56 597.94 599.55 26050900 599.55
2012-03-29 612.78 616.56 607.23 609.86 21668300 609.86
2012-03-28 618.38 621.45 610.31 617.62 23385200 617.62
2012-03-27 606.18 616.28 606.06 614.48 21628200 614.48
2012-03-26 599.79 607.15 595.26 606.98 21259900 606.98
1984-09-13 27.5 27.62 27.5 27.5 7429600 3.14
1984-09-12 26.87 27.0 26.12 26.12 4773600 2.98
1984-09-11 26.62 27.37 26.62 26.87 5444000 3.07
1984-09-10 26.5 26.62 25.87 26.37 2346400 3.01
1984-09-07 26.5 26.87 26.25 26.5 2981600 3.02

Lets also say that you wanted to create a new column called sum_OHLC adds the values in every row for Open, High, Low, Close columns. Most amateur Polars users would write the following code:

 .with_columns(sum_OHLC=pl.col('Open') + pl.col('High') + pl.col('Low') + pl.col('Close'))

The way to write the above code like a pro is using sum_horizontal like this:

 .with_columns(sum_OHLC=pl.sum_horizontal('Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'))
shape: (6_953, 8)
Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close sum_OHLC
date f64 f64 f64 f64 i64 f64 f64
2012-03-30 608.77 610.56 597.94 599.55 26050900 599.55 2416.82
2012-03-29 612.78 616.56 607.23 609.86 21668300 609.86 2446.43
2012-03-28 618.38 621.45 610.31 617.62 23385200 617.62 2467.76
2012-03-27 606.18 616.28 606.06 614.48 21628200 614.48 2443.0
2012-03-26 599.79 607.15 595.26 606.98 21259900 606.98 2409.18
1984-09-13 27.5 27.62 27.5 27.5 7429600 3.14 110.12
1984-09-12 26.87 27.0 26.12 26.12 4773600 2.98 106.11
1984-09-11 26.62 27.37 26.62 26.87 5444000 3.07 107.48
1984-09-10 26.5 26.62 25.87 26.37 2346400 3.01 105.36
1984-09-07 26.5 26.87 26.25 26.5 2981600 3.02 106.12

You not only write shorter code with sum_horizontal but you can also use other variations of it like mean_horizontal to get the average values of the four numbers and min_horizontal to get the smallest number.

3. Group by dynamic

When working with timeseries data, you may need to resample it based on specific time intervals and perform aggregations. Polars provides a convenient function, group_by_dynamic, to handle such tasks efficiently. For example, if you want to calculate the average Close values for Apple stock for each quarter, you can do it as follows:

 .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1q')
shape: (111, 2)
Date Close
date f64
1984-07-01 26.73875
1984-10-01 25.288594
1985-01-01 26.690968
1985-04-01 19.212063
1985-07-01 16.015937
2011-01-01 345.683226
2011-04-01 337.612381
2011-07-01 380.510312
2011-10-01 391.658571
2012-01-01 503.679839


Before using group_by_dynamic you must sort the the data on the Date column.
Even though my data was already sorted, I still used sort to make that explicit.

The beauty of group_by_dynamic is that it can handle highly granular time intervals. Using the every parameter, you can specify intervals such as "17d" to resample every 17 days, "2w" for 2 weeks, or even "3s" for 3-second intervals if your date values include seconds.

4. Exclude

In most cases, you won’t want to display all the columns in your final dataframe—just the ones you’re interested in. To achieve this, you need to remove the unnecessary columns. Many beginners might choose to drop the columns they don’t need, but I strongly recommend using exclude instead.

What’s the difference between excluding columns and dropping them? Dropping a column requires loading it into memory first, which can be time-consuming, especially with large datasets. On the other hand, excluding a column tells Polars’ query engine to skip loading it entirely. This approach is much faster, as Polars only loads the columns you actually need.

Here’s how you can use exclude. Suppose you don’t want to load the Volume and Adj Close columns from the Apple stock dataset. One option is to explicitly select the columns you want to keep, but that would require typing out the names of all five desired columns. Instead, you can use exclude to specify just the two columns you don’t want displayed, saving both time and effort.

shape: (6_953, 5)
Date Open High Low Close
str f64 f64 f64 f64
"2012-03-30" 608.77 610.56 597.94 599.55
"2012-03-29" 612.78 616.56 607.23 609.86
"2012-03-28" 618.38 621.45 610.31 617.62
"2012-03-27" 606.18 616.28 606.06 614.48
"2012-03-26" 599.79 607.15 595.26 606.98
"1984-09-13" 27.5 27.62 27.5 27.5
"1984-09-12" 26.87 27.0 26.12 26.12
"1984-09-11" 26.62 27.37 26.62 26.87
"1984-09-10" 26.5 26.62 25.87 26.37
"1984-09-07" 26.5 26.87 26.25 26.5

Now I’ve loaded into memory only the columns I’m interested in.

5. Explode

Imagine you have a dataframe that tracks your weekly grocery purchases, with items listed as comma-separated strings in a single row. If you want to identify the items you buy most frequently, this format poses a challenge. Since Polars is a columnar-based framework, working with such data in its current form can make achieving this goal a bit tricky.

shape: (4, 2)
Date Groceries
date str
2024-12-02 "Milk, Eggs, Corn Flakes, Bacon…
2024-12-09 "Bread, Butter, Apples, Oranges…
2024-12-16 "Rice, Beans, Chicken, Shampoo,…
2024-12-23 "Milk, Eggs, Bananas, Yogurt, S…

This is where explode comes in. We’ll create a new column Item that will contain a single item as a value for each row. Here’s how it works. First we split the data on ", " (comma and space) to convert the string value in Groceries into a list.

 .with_columns(pl.col('Groceries').str.split(', '))
shape: (4, 2)
Date Groceries
date list[str]
2024-12-02 ["Milk", "Eggs", … "Bread"]
2024-12-09 ["Bread", "Butter", … "Bacon"]
2024-12-16 ["Rice", "Beans", … "Bacon"]
2024-12-23 ["Milk", "Eggs", … "Bread"]

Then we’ll explode the items in each list into individual items by exploding the Groceries column.

This new format makes it easier to determine the most bought items by counting how many times each item appears in Groceries.

 .with_columns(pl.col('Groceries').str.split(', '))
shape: (27, 2)
Date Groceries
date str
2024-12-02 "Milk"
2024-12-02 "Eggs"
2024-12-02 "Corn Flakes"
2024-12-02 "Bacon"
2024-12-02 "Toothpaste"
2024-12-23 "Yogurt"
2024-12-23 "Soap"
2024-12-23 "Bacon"
2024-12-23 "Apples"
2024-12-23 "Bread"

6. Top / Bottom K

Knowing the top 10 or 5 highest values or lowest values in your dataset is a very common operation. Polars has two handy functions that you can use to easily display that with top_k and bottom_k. If you wanted to see the top 5 counties in the USA with the highest population, you can use top_k see those counties.

 .top_k(5, by='population')
shape: (5, 2)
county.name population
str i64
"los angeles" 9840024
"cook" 5197677
"harris" 4101752
"maricopa" 3841819
"san diego" 3100500

The top_k function accepts two parameters: a numerical value specifying the number of rows to display and the column to base the sorting on. For instance, in the example above, we used it to find the top 5 largest counties by population. To find the smallest counties by population, you can simply use the bottom_k function instead.

7. Sample

We live in a world of big data and analyzing large datasets can be time-consuming. A smarter approach is to work with a subset of the data, develop and refine your analysis code through experimentation, and then apply the finalized code to the full dataset. But how can you ensure that the subset you choose represents the entire dataset well? This is where the sample function comes in. It allows you to randomly select a specified number of rows. Additionally, these selected rows change with each execution, ensuring a different selection every time you run the code.

The US counties dataset contains over three thousand rows, but we’re going to use sample to only select a thousand rows.

shape: (1_000, 7)
region population county.fips.character county.name state.name state.fips.character state.abb
i64 i64 i64 str str i64 str
51137 33625 51137 "orange" "virginia" 51 "VA"
13277 40430 13277 "tift" "georgia" 13 "GA"
46027 13966 46027 "clay" "south dakota" 46 "SD"
28115 29962 28115 "pontotoc" "mississippi" 28 "MS"
19121 15630 19121 "madison" "iowa" 19 "IA"
1049 70949 1049 "dekalb" "alabama" 1 "AL"
42111 77638 42111 "somerset" "pennsylvania" 42 "PA"
19033 44083 19033 "cerro gordo" "iowa" 19 "IA"
28013 14903 28013 "calhoun" "mississippi" 28 "MS"
39159 52153 39159 "union" "ohio" 39 "OH"

The sample function lets you specify the number of rows you want to display as a numerical value. In our case, we are displaying 1000 rows.

8. Concat str

This is short for “concatenate string” and it allows you to create a single value which is a mixture of values from 2 or more columns that contain string values. Suppose we wanted to have a column NameAbbr that contains the state name and the abbreviation for that state, we can do it by using concat_str.

                             separator=', '
shape: (3_143, 3)
state.name state.abb NameAbbr
str str str
"alabama" "AL" "alabama, AL"
"alabama" "AL" "alabama, AL"
"alabama" "AL" "alabama, AL"
"alabama" "AL" "alabama, AL"
"alabama" "AL" "alabama, AL"
"wyoming" "WY" "wyoming, WY"
"wyoming" "WY" "wyoming, WY"
"wyoming" "WY" "wyoming, WY"
"wyoming" "WY" "wyoming, WY"
"wyoming" "WY" "wyoming, WY"

In the concat_str function above, we used two parameters. The first parameter is a list of the columns whose values we want to concatenate, and the second specifies the separator to use when joining those values. In this case, we used ", " (a comma followed by a space) to produce values like “wyoming, WY”.

9. Format

When presenting data to someone, especially in printed form, you may want to add extra details to make the numbers more understandable. For instance, if you’re sending the quarterly average Close values you calculated earlier to your boss in the UK and want to add a currency symbol to avoid confusion, you could use format to include the dollar symbol. This way, your boss will always know that your analysis was done in dollars.

 .group_by_dynamic('Date', every='1q')
 .with_columns(pl.format("${}", pl.col('Close')).alias('Close'))
shape: (111, 2)
Date Close
date str
1984-07-01 "$26.74"
1984-10-01 "$25.29"
1985-01-01 "$26.69"
1985-04-01 "$19.21"
1985-07-01 "$16.02"
2011-01-01 "$345.68"
2011-04-01 "$337.61"
2011-07-01 "$380.51"
2011-10-01 "$391.66"
2012-01-01 "$503.68"


I’ve used round before applying the currency formatting to ensure the figures are rounded to 2 decimal places.

10. Config

The default way of displaying polars dataframes is good, but sometimes you may want to change it up a bit like increase the number of rows displayed or increasing the size of a row to see all the values in that row. The function Config allows you to do just that. Below is the dataframe of groceries. Currently we cannot see all the values contained in each row as indicated by the ellipsis (…).

shape: (4, 2)
Date Groceries
date str
2024-12-02 "Milk, Eggs, Corn Flakes, Bacon…
2024-12-09 "Bread, Butter, Apples, Oranges…
2024-12-16 "Rice, Beans, Chicken, Shampoo,…
2024-12-23 "Milk, Eggs, Bananas, Yogurt, S…

Now Let’s use Config to increase the size of Groceries.


shape: (4, 2)
Date Groceries
date str
2024-12-02 "Milk, Eggs, Corn Flakes, Bacon, Toothpaste, Bread"
2024-12-09 "Bread, Butter, Apples, Oranges, Cheese, Bacon"
2024-12-16 "Rice, Beans, Chicken, Shampoo, Coffee, Eggs, Bacon"
2024-12-23 "Milk, Eggs, Bananas, Yogurt, Soap, Bacon, Apples, Bread"

The example above demonstrates a global setting, meaning that the next time a dataframe is displayed, it will apply this size to any column whose values don’t fit within the default size. This can be frustrating, especially when working with multiple dataframes. To avoid this, you can apply the Config setting to display only one dataframe with the desired settings.

Let’s display a dataframe showing the county name and population. I’ll remove the data types from the columns and add commas as thousand separators to make the population figures easier to read. Additionally, I’ll increase the number of rows displayed to 20. Here’s how the dataframe initially looks.

usa_counties = (pl.read_csv(counties_in_the_usa)
shape: (3_143, 2)
county.name population
str i64
"autauga" 54590
"baldwin" 183226
"barbour" 27469
"bibb" 22769
"blount" 57466
"sweetwater" 43890
"teton" 21326
"uinta" 20942
"washakie" 8425
"weston" 7152

And here’s the display with the formatting in place.

with pl.Config(set_tbl_rows=20,
shape: (3_143, 2)
county.name population
"autauga" 54,590
"baldwin" 183,226
"barbour" 27,469
"bibb" 22,769
"blount" 57,466
"bullock" 10,779
"butler" 20,730
"calhoun" 117,834
"chambers" 34,228
"cherokee" 25,917
"niobrara" 2,478
"park" 28,203
"platte" 8,677
"sheridan" 29,097
"sublette" 10,065
"sweetwater" 43,890
"teton" 21,326
"uinta" 20,942
"washakie" 8,425
"weston" 7,152


The settings applied by Config are only for display purposes. When you export the data to Excel or another format, these configurations, such as comma separators in numbers, will be lost.

Check out this Polars course to learn this powerful Python library for data analysis.